Rock your World Tour by getting in tune with your spirit.We chose to visit Earth so we could experience the ultimate emotional road trip. Here I hope to remind you why you made that decision. Let's ride it out together... on this beautiful 3rd Rock from the Sun.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
You Can Get Water From A Black Stone Cherry.
Today's Grace: Thank you for the opportunity to finally see the testament of Kentucky rockers Black Stone Cherry live! I can attest that in doing so my rock tour was re-routed in a new and overwhelmingly awesome way. Woooooooo!
Set list for today: All I'm Dreamin' Of
Click to hear All I'm Dreamin' Of by Black Stone Cherry
(No copyright infringement intended...only pure unadulterated love.)
I am sharing this song with you because it is a pure illustration of the spirit that brought me here to write everyday. My heart is full of optimism for humanity and just when I think I couldn't possibly fit anymore hope within it this song comes along and allows it to expand instantly. Just to make that dream of more hope come true.
Lyrics to the song are below but I'd hate for you to miss the beautiful melody of All I'm Dreamin' Of.
You can find the link to the song above...yep...same direction you look when you search out the heavens.
Something about our world today
That makes me wanna cry
There's too much anger and too much pain
Too much money and too many lies
If I could have one wish tonight
I would beg of us to forget our pride
If we could do just one thing right,
We could help each other to love our lives
All I'm dreamin of is good times, good friends, and somebody to love.
All I'm dreamin of is no fears no tears and blue skies up above.
There's people around us everywhere
Who need help like you and me
A family was taken by a storm
And we just watched it on tv.
If I could have one wish tonight
I would beg of us to forget our pride
If we could do just one thing right
We could help each other to love our lives.
When one things right another is wrong
But in the end love will always keep us strong.
All I'm dreamin of is a house on a hill and somebody to love
All I'm dreamin of is the sun to shine and blue skies up above.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
As my Canadian friends might say....Ooooo sooorry, eh.
From roses to weeds, Jack White inspired me to write about a garden filled with a variety of friends. As I get that piece together I leave you with this...Hope your day ROCKS!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Catcher in the Right Moment
Catcher in the Right Moment
This morning I caught the following meme while on Pinterest. It is a quote from a book that I haven't read or thought of in a long time. I am thankful to have found it. Now I can have it with me always to use as a reminder of my ultimate inspiration in those critical times of self-doubt and loathing.
As with lots of people who have aspirations of writing, I too was inspired by J.D. Salinger's contemporary classic The Catcher in the Rye.
I remember that instead of reading it in my high school literature class, the teacher chose to read it to us instead. I assumed at that time she decided to read it out loud rather deal with any upheaval from parents who might be concerned that their child was being exposed to poison and filth from such a controversial book. Or rather I felt she was keeping the story within the confines of the classroom instead of sending copies home with us, which would present the fact we were engaged in something tawdry and inappropriate, despite the fact we were the same age as the dude in the book... dealing with the same issues he was.
High school kids are so innocent and naturally inclined to avoid sex, drugs and rock and roll in the first place and Lord knows we didn't need to be encouraged.
The Catcher in the Rye is a coming of age story about a young, self-indulgent man with a superior sense of entitlement named Holden Caulfield. It is racy and disturbing but also engaging and oh so beautifully written.
Some years later I realized she chose to read it to us, not to avoid back-lash but because she didn't trust us to read it on our own. She wanted to make certain we didn't miss this true work of art. God bless her. I know I wouldn't have read it then and where would I be now? Most likely not here writing this and that is a thought I cannot bare to think of.
The words featured in the meme above was the line from the book that made me fall hard for writing. EVERY time I read those words they electrify me and inspire me be to be a writer. I could never describe exactly how this quote makes me feel when I read it though. My words would only do a disservice to Mr. Salinger and his talent...his gift.
The sentence is perfect. The character who possessed the thought was not, and being human, I will never hold that against him. I can only be forever grateful to him...and to Mrs. Hitch, the teacher who had the fortitude to instill dreams within each of her incorrigible students.
Can you recall something that you experienced way back when that sent you rocking and rolling out into the great wide open with unbridled enthusiasm but you have since forgotten?
Was it an experience, a person, words, a song, a place....a feeling?
You never know what you might capture when you go digging around in that dusty ol' attic upstairs and who might even re-discover yourself and would that just be the best catch ever?
Monday, January 14, 2013
Not Fey-ning Girl Poehler!
Today's music blessing. Thank you for my i-pod all those years ago. The day I got one proved to be a pivotal moment in my life.
Suggested listening today: Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves by Annie Lennox or Daughters of Darkness by Halestorm
I have spent the better part of my life enthralled in a profession heavily dominated by men and their decisions.
More times than not the results of their thinking were tremendous and delivered admirable results. However as a girl always knocking on the door of the broadcasters' good ol' boys club more times than not I was left out in the cold when it came time for me to advance my career or better yet, apply my talents for their radio stations.
Some of my female contemporaries have gone far in broadcasting and I am very proud of them. They are all tremendously talented and well deserving of the accolades they receive from their peers but from my perspective only the ones who blazed their trail in management were allowed to progress.
Myself along with other females who focused solely on the creative aspect of radio and hunkered down in the studio were the ones who were never taken seriously although we were the ones who gave the managers a product to....manage.
Several years ago I had the opportunity to work with one of my mentors, She is gracious, funny, caring and one of the sweetest people I have ever met. Our Program Director at the time was facing a scheduling conflict in which a simple solution would require her and I to do a Saturday morning show together.
In the world of radio Saturday morning shifts are throw away shifts, they need to be filled but they aren't considered an important piece of the puzzle so at first it wasn't a complete broadcast faux pas.
GTFO!? A man is going to let two women be on the air together for a show....with NO man around to "host" us!
We clicked instantly and our chemistry was spot on more so than with any show I had ever worked on before. It was almost magical and I had never felt more comfortable doing a show with some one. It was so exciting and I looked forward to it every week. Eventually we were asked to fill in during the week a couple of times. The feedback from listeners overwhelmed me for I knew it wasn't my imagination...there was something special with us doing a show together. Clients even began to inquire about the possibility of us having a real show.
Our program director continued to encourage us that we were on the cusp of something brilliant and implied that our show was on track to become a more permanent fixture on the station and not just once a week either! But it wasn't long before he accepted a position elsewhere and left us high and dry. As I pushed new management to follow through with our show they sat me down and very firmly chastised my beliefs that indeed a board room filled with testosterone would every approve a girl duo hosted radio show. They think that such an arrangement was preposterous.
"No one wants to hear hens cackling all morning." Defeated by dudes again. Even our Saturday morning show came to an end.
Last night I discovered that a board room filled with ties and other things that hang down had approved Tina Fey and Amy Pohler to host the 70th Annual Golden Globes! Wait? TWO girls on stage? At the SAME time? Did they confuse this event with a beauty pageant? I was elated!
Especially when they OWNED it from only 30 seconds in. Funnier than any one who has hosted any sort of award show in years and I could tell they weren't going to apologize about not even it for a second! My heart filled with joy! In the last few years I have heard the tome that we are on the brink of a new hierarchy in society, more specifically one that is a matriarchal society. I wasn't seeing anything to support that theory though...until last night.
If these broads can bust down the door of the boardroom and at The Friar's Club in NYC than I do believe this is the new age of Aquarius or better yet... the age of acquiring breast power!
If you didn't get to see the gals make their mark last night here is The Hollywood video of the opening segment. Until i remember my HTML code you might have to copy and paste. As A T-Bek from Jeopardy would say, "Oooo, soory!" With that being said remember...
Never let not knowing how to do something prevent you from doing it!
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Jules Rulz
Jules Rulz
Everyday I am amazed by the lack of courtesy in our world. Is it because of selfishness or what I do not know. Ego is our best weapon and our worst. It is not a display of weakness to extend courtesy but it seems that it has evolved into that for some.
When I see people trying to wield their personal power by not letting a car in front of them while managing their position in a traffic jam disgusts me. I especially noticed a lack of courtesy, involving asshole drivers, during the holidays. A time when we are supposed to be especially MINDFUL of others.
Sure the holidays are stressful and people may feel out of control and overwhelmed but being a dick just to re-assure yourself that you are in control and above it all is only a disservice to ones self.
Letting some one merge in front of you while dealing with the frustration of being stuck in traffic most likely will not prevent you from reaching your destination in such a late manner that your whole life will be ruined. It may only bump you back 10 minutes? And on your death bed how will being a dick in traffic have influenced your life really?
As Linkin Park says, "In the end it doesn't even matter."
There is a trend developing in fast food drive through service right now that I adore, paying for the order for the car behind you in line. I think this is a serious shift in consideration for the well being of our humanity but people can spread just as much cheer and joy by being thoughtful which doesn't cost a thing!
In a world ruled by time and money I'd like to remind everyone that charity does not begin with money, it begins with courtesy which is free. And everyone can afford to give away something that is costs them nothing. We probably don't value things like graciousness because there isn't a price tag on it and also EVERY ONE can have it. Sad we are only turned on by what we can have and others cannot not.
We should be ashamed but it is not too late. We can fix this social deterioration starting with ourselves. By making conscious effort to give away all of the courtesy we are given to spend while also reminding others that they too can afford to give away all of their courtesy.
May be if we allowed to the government to tax courtesy we would all be a little more passionate about it. Even better, may be we should put Samuel Jackson in charge of enforcing courtesy. Then that shit WOULD get done, yo!

Saturday, January 12, 2013
Steel-plated Hugs
I am editing the post about the angels so until it is finished I present you this! -Micki
Suggested listening: Hello Darlin' by Conway Twitty, or Under My Wheels by Alice Cooper or may be just a chain-saw?
Steel-plated Hugs.
I spend a lot of time behind the wheel of my car. Road-tripping, commuting and what not. I see a lot of vanity plates, personalized license plates on cars from all over country. Not that I think it is relevant but it seems that Ohians by far, are most likely to have a specially made vehicle I.D. tag. May be it is because we really do think we are the heart of it all.
(Referring to a licsense plate slogan that use to be on our state plates.)
Every once in awhile I spot one that makes me laugh for days. If you are familiar with the cartoon Family Guy you may recall a character named 'Buzz Killington'. He was featured within the vignettes only and the gist was that he was so drearily boring his jokes or musings could only invoke a long laborious head bowing sigh and rub of the eyes with thumb and forefinger. I do it quite often in real life when a situation calls for a less than serious response.
It is one of my favorite long running gags on that show. That one and the Conway Twitty one. I hope to talk with Seth MacFarlane one day just so I can ask him, "Dude, Whutz up wit dat?"
As of right now, my all time favorite vanity plate that I have seen in traffic is: EEEHHH
Whoever it belonged to coughed up the extra dough for that plate but I feel it is priceless and was well worth the investment.
Much to the dismay of some I have a rather boisterous laugh at times. I don't mean just happens. So because of this fact when I find something funny online I usually comment "Bwhahahahahaha!" rather than "Lol!"
When I told my Mom about the "EEEHHH" plate she lol'd and suggested I get "Bwhahahahah!" for a vanity plate. I checked with OMV and only BWHAH will fit. I don't know, what do you think? Does it have the same impact?
I have a dear friend that it filled with excitement a lot. It is her spark. She taught me how to bring that excitement to the very simpliest experiences in my life. She is a "K!" users in txtx and in realife. But when she is super excited by txt her "K" becomes "KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!"
As I write this, even though the already has the most perfect vanity plate for her tag, I though that she, like me with the BWHAHAHAHAHA!, should get her infamous txt jarggon. But I bet the DMV wouldn't accept it once it was appreviated for a licsense plate.
I see some real douchey ones out there and some that are so discombobulated that you can't even understand what the message is that they are trying to convey. The plates that make you smile, think, or even write a blog about them are the coolest though by far.
Like the one I spotted today.
Ah. Some else also trying to spread good will. Well done 2 ladies in theVolvo!
Reading it made me stop a second to wonder about life. Thankfully today my response to their querey was: "BWTIFL".
Do you have a vanity plate or ever thought of getting one? If so please share with me what it is or what you would like it to be.
Suggested listening: Hello Darlin' by Conway Twitty, or Under My Wheels by Alice Cooper or may be just a chain-saw?
Steel-plated Hugs.
I spend a lot of time behind the wheel of my car. Road-tripping, commuting and what not. I see a lot of vanity plates, personalized license plates on cars from all over country. Not that I think it is relevant but it seems that Ohians by far, are most likely to have a specially made vehicle I.D. tag. May be it is because we really do think we are the heart of it all.
(Referring to a licsense plate slogan that use to be on our state plates.)
Every once in awhile I spot one that makes me laugh for days. If you are familiar with the cartoon Family Guy you may recall a character named 'Buzz Killington'. He was featured within the vignettes only and the gist was that he was so drearily boring his jokes or musings could only invoke a long laborious head bowing sigh and rub of the eyes with thumb and forefinger. I do it quite often in real life when a situation calls for a less than serious response.
It is one of my favorite long running gags on that show. That one and the Conway Twitty one. I hope to talk with Seth MacFarlane one day just so I can ask him, "Dude, Whutz up wit dat?"
As of right now, my all time favorite vanity plate that I have seen in traffic is: EEEHHH
Whoever it belonged to coughed up the extra dough for that plate but I feel it is priceless and was well worth the investment.
Much to the dismay of some I have a rather boisterous laugh at times. I don't mean just happens. So because of this fact when I find something funny online I usually comment "Bwhahahahahaha!" rather than "Lol!"
When I told my Mom about the "EEEHHH" plate she lol'd and suggested I get "Bwhahahahah!" for a vanity plate. I checked with OMV and only BWHAH will fit. I don't know, what do you think? Does it have the same impact?
I have a dear friend that it filled with excitement a lot. It is her spark. She taught me how to bring that excitement to the very simpliest experiences in my life. She is a "K!" users in txtx and in realife. But when she is super excited by txt her "K" becomes "KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!"
As I write this, even though the already has the most perfect vanity plate for her tag, I though that she, like me with the BWHAHAHAHAHA!, should get her infamous txt jarggon. But I bet the DMV wouldn't accept it once it was appreviated for a licsense plate.
I see some real douchey ones out there and some that are so discombobulated that you can't even understand what the message is that they are trying to convey. The plates that make you smile, think, or even write a blog about them are the coolest though by far.
Like the one I spotted today.
Ah. Some else also trying to spread good will. Well done 2 ladies in theVolvo!
Reading it made me stop a second to wonder about life. Thankfully today my response to their querey was: "BWTIFL".
Do you have a vanity plate or ever thought of getting one? If so please share with me what it is or what you would like it to be.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Today I thank music for providing me with a very active imagination which without how could I be a story teller?
Signs of the Time is Now!
Suggested listening: Live Wire by AC DC, Hurricane by Dylan or whatever Spotify plays next!
Sometimes I don’t just see coincidences; I F-E-E-L them. I feel them like a cannon shot to the gut. Some 'signs' physically make me buckle. I don’t think that they are premonitions. It’s more like they just electrify me. I feel I am like a live wire. I feel a type of supreme like vibration.
I feel supremely tuned when it occurs. Supreme as in ‘HECK yeah I want sour cream on that taco!’ not necessarily like 'The Supreme’ as in the clouds part and all the light shines upon me.
I said in an earlier post that the angles among us are here solely to remind us how great Earth is for us. They lead the way like road managers who run concert tours. Angels do the same for our tours here on earth. I mentioned too that I feel like my calling is to also remind people how cool their tour should be for many reasons!
I wasn’t trying to imply that I think I am some kind of angel. I merely think that THE REAL angels recognized how passionate I was/am about the ethereal joy music makes me feel andI was becoming more and more determined to find a way to channel my joy to others in hopes of inspiring them too when they are having a bad day.
They simply picked up on the intense vibration I had whenever I thought or talked about this blog and saw a way they could spread their message.
It was last summer when I conceived an idea for a blog that would incorporate music, good will, healing and, inspiration. About our journeys, as a whole and individually, while on this rock, the 3rd rock from the sun.
The love, energy, harmony and, renewed spirit I experience after a rock show is divine. I wanted to find a way to share the feelings of divinity I have because of it with others, sell sanctuary! But as usual I just kept procrastinating.
Then a moment of awareness on my part made me realize one day that indeed, said in Adam West Batman tone, ‘The angels… may be up to… somethinnnng’, when a small string of oddly relatable, perfectly-timed coincidences exploded before me.
I finally decided to watch the movie The Hurricane, which I never saw before but had recorded on our DVR about a month earlier. The movie tells the story of Rubin "Hurricane" Carter. Carter was a boxing champion from New Jersey who was infamously framed and falsely convicted for the murder of three people in a bar. It came out in 1997. In the 70’s Bob Dylan wrote a song that also told the story of about Rubin called, Hurricane, which was the first cut on his album, Desire.My first vivid music memory involved Dylan's Desire. I love Denzel. I love Dylan. Why had I taken so long to see this movie?
Because I’ve had writing on the brain so much right away I took note that the telling of the story heavily revolved around writing and books. Also I saw an image, something specific to me personally, and honestly the very last thing in the world I thought I’d see in a movie about a middle-weight fighter from New Jersey.
The day was Christmas Eve when I finally felt like I was ready to watch it. While it was on, I suddenly thought what to ask Santa for Christmas!
A big kick of "fucking do it already!" right in the ass.
The scene that unfolded right after I thought it blew my mind.
Blew my mind OUT! Like m*tha f*ckin Sir PAU-MAC in a car, son!!!
As it turns out Rubin Carter had written a manuscript presenting a compelling story of his innocence while also providing plenty of evidence to support his case, that he was being improperly incarcerated for crimes he didn’t commit.
Some years after his book was published a young man visited Carter in the joint and asked Rubin about his passion for writing. Denzel, serene as a red jelly bean, proceeds to lament on his relationship with writing in a diatribe that turned out to be the ultimate cheer that I needed to hear! (Thank you SANTA!!!) I recognized the timing of the delivery too evident by the way I shot off the love seat. (Thank you ANGELS!!!)
A brilliant collaboration was born Christmas Eve between me and my angels.
Almost like the collaboration of harmonies between Dylan and Emmylou on Desire. (Also Ronee Blakely.)
Kids, people who tell you that Santa Claus isn't real are mean, mean people. Do not listen to them, they are lying!
I recently discovered who my Archangel is. I had never heard of this dude my whole life. I will tell you about him tomorrow as this story quirky is far from over! Just know that my angel’s name, rhymes with the word gramophone.
For all you kids in the back of the classroom? A gramophone is a record player.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Heart on my Dust-Sleeve Jacket
Toddlers today have a never ending supply of heroes to watch
and learn from on television. Throw a stone in any direction and it will land
amongst a merchandising mecca. Kingdoms created purely for consumerism
dedicated to any one animated idol to adore. There are dozens of brightly
colored, gregarious and eager to please beavers out there from a dopey dinosaur
to a nonstop list of super heroes sure to help develop whatever fetish that may
be lying in wait with in. I mean cracked out cartoon characters are a dime
dozen. I’m in for Scooby-Doo but that wasn’t until I was 22.
When I was three I had Elton John and album covers. Who
needed TV when there where wondrous stories being told on record jackets and
It was a different
era with limited resources then. There weren’t seven different cable networks
solely dedicated to children’s programming. Shit, there wasn’t even cable. (Yea that’s right. We animated our own
cartoons. On flip tablets made of stone, uphill…both ways.) Back then kids only got about seven shows to
choose from a…week! (Gasp! The horror! And yes slightly exaggerated as well.)
There was Captain
Kangaroo but that was on wicked early and I have never been a morning person
even when I was three. I remember The
first memories I have of that show can be dated by where I was living at the
time which was the second house we lived in a couple of years after I saw
Tommy, the Rock Opera from The Who, at the drive-in with my parents.
Maybe they thought their little three year old would be
nodded out in the back seat long before the feature started. It wasn’t like it
was Snow White you know? It was a tripped out musical spectacle about
sex-abuse, drug use, exploitation, vanity, blasphemy and more! You know a real
feel good movie event… an odyssey that the whole family can enjoy
together! By nature though I was
attentive to everything that was going around me as in Micki never missed a
thing…or anything that may be coming up! I’m sure it was a bit much to take at
times because they too were just kids. Their fondness however of recalling the little
Micki days makes me believe they were frequently entertained by their cherub
faced, curly haired, more curious than a kitty-cat yakkitty-yakyak daughter.
Imagine their enlightened surprise however when their scamp
of a sweet-pea beamed at the screen, “Elton John! Elton John!” when indeed he,
Elton John, appeared in the movie. He towered over everyone in his scene while
wearing the most exaggerated platforms shoes that anyone has ever seen…EVER…anywhere. He played the original pinball champion that
was dethroned by the title character Tommy, The Pinball Wizard. Who needed Bert
and Ernie and Big Bird? Have you ever seen the get-ups that divinely talented
pianist showboat used to wear in the 70’s during his stage shows? Then there
was what was on the record itself. The music rock music to be exact and it was
A year or so after the Elton John extravaganza Santa brought
me a Donnie and Marie (Osmond) microphone. It was kind of like the one from the
iconic T.V. commercial-“Hey good lookin! I’ll be back to pick YOU up later!” It worked by using an unoccupied radio
frequency as a speaker amplifier. Hoo-doggies this was going to be awesome!
I can’t even describe how excited and exhilarated I was with
my new toy! My parents played music ALL of the time and my absolute favorite
thing to do was S I N G along! NOW I could actually hear myself sing too!
Really hear it! Oh boy this was going to be huge!
I waited anxiously for my Dad to put on an album. He went
with Rod Stewart, A Night On The Town. Microphone
on, song rolling, the room was mine. Everyone was watching! Everyone was
waiting for me! I felt my face flush from the excitement. The electricity
created in that moment kicked my heart even faster! There was no turning back!
I opened my mouth and belted out the first line from the first
cut on side one- Stay away from my
window. Stay away from my back door too… (Yes I was five.
Don’t judge.)
Instantly I was horrified. I sucked badly. I turned the mic off
immediately. I may have even cried. My folks were very nurturing but my singing
was so awful they didn’t even feign an attempt to placate the delicate ego of
their little strawberry.
Looking back I recall that they really didn’t seem to be as
shocked by my horrible singing as I was. They already knew I couldn’t sing but
somehow I got that microphone anyway. It wasn’t about being a good or bad singer
they knew I loved singing and that was all that mattered.
Even though the sound of my voice was ridiculously off key and
truly awful I was still intrigued by the sound over the speakers. That sound
was my voice…AMPLIFIED. I liked how it felt. I liked how I could really be
heard. It wasn’t the voice I was hoping for but it was a powerful voice none
the less. Can I get an A-HA? (The Big O would be proud.)
So I wasn’t going to be a singer, bummer. But, I knew right then
I was going to find SOME way to be on the radio. At that time though when
everything was uphill both ways, there weren’t a lot of women on the radio and
if there were, they were truly a side-kick on the morning shows. There to make
the coffee and read the news. And if you recall, I never have been a morning
person so I rarely heard the women who were talking on the radio at that time.
A couple of years later though I heard a woman on the radio that
made me sit up and take notice. A Storm blew through me on a spring day in 1983
when I heard taped radio shows from Houston Texas featuring a sports reporter
named Hannah Storm. The chick was ballsy too and hearing a girl hang like that
blew my mental speakers out! I fell in
love with her. (Dudes can insert pillow fight here.) Seriously though when I
realized that I could be on the radio and say shit like Hannah Storm said… I was charmed. I was 10 when I realized my destiny…first of
many I hope!
So for a minute I was devastated that I couldn’t be a “Rock
Star”. But in the very next minute I had discovered a new way to rock. Once
again not as I had hoped for or imagined but my radio career was a hell of a
ride and I loved every minute of it even the loathsome parts. The blessings I continue to receive because
of my gig amaze me and my heart grows every day because of it.
And did I stop singing out loud for because I couldn’t carry a
tune? Hardly, I am inclined to believe I sing even louder in spite of that
fact. Do it! LIVE LOUD!
As my journey evolves while I am here on this rotating carbon bomb
waiting to happen I am going to pay homage to my passion, rock music, by which
it has set forth on me an awakening about our spiritual selves. The Earth is the
3rd Rock from the Sun and we chose to come here to literally rock it
out. Each and every one of us is truly a rock star. Tangents from a Live Wire
will explore every aspect of life that the magical mystery tour promises in the
beginning but we lose sight of in the middle. I invite to come on board.
Tomorrow I will explain the groovy way this blog came to be.
Haters gonna hate.
In the meantime, please feel encouraged to contribute by commenting and spreading the love!
Thank you.
Peace and understanding,
Every Ending is just the Beginning.
So Jan. 9th 2013 was suppose to be marked as the day of a new beginning for me as I created this page to pre-promote a blog I have been developing. Beginnings are so exciting, do you agree? As it turns out endings can be just as awesome and exciting.
Jan. 9th ended up bringing "sad" changes that un-rocked my world and broke my heart. But even through the chaos and the sobs I was still able to see the miracles that can happen when one can recognize that an ending is just a beginning cloaked in contrast.
Only recently have I been able to gather the courage that is required to successfully navigate the good and the bad we are given during our tour of this third rock from the sun.
I am constantly amazed at the energy that surrounds us here.
I hope to remind everyone through this blog that we are THE energy. It doesn't rule us, conspire against us, or, hate us. It just exists as we do. It only becomes what we choose to it be.
But don't despair! You are not alone with YOUR energy.
There are phenomenons around us that guide us everyday. Think of these phenomenons like Road Managers. Similar to the people who are in charge of getting the band to the gig on time!
I am a rock and roll music junkie. My fave band is my drug of choice. They feed my soul. They just released their best album and are getting ready to embark on a national tour to promote it. Imagine every one's dismay when the lead singer all of a sudden announced he was resigning from the band yesterday, Jan 9th 2013.
I was left so deflated yesterday by that announcement that I almost gave up on this blog before it even started. It is what I would have let happen a year ago. May be even just 3 months ago. But now... for reasons I don't fully understand yet are eagerly accepting , my evolution has seriously shifted in how I view adversity. I was thrilled when my heart finally spoke up and shot my ego down as my ego quickly wanted to throw a pity party. My heart no longer wants to go to those sullen shin-digs.
Now more than ever I can see how beautiful the moment is when a perceived ending is instantly transformed into a new beginning!
So I am kicking this blog off before my to-do list said I was going to.
I feel I am being encouraged, almost spurred, to jump into the deep end of the pool instead of just testing the water with a quick little wade in the shallow know...the part of the pool by the stairs where it's too easy to jump out and easily make a quick get away?
Surprisingly I am ok with with this new, sudden, plan of action! Even better, I am not freaking out because I don't feel in control. So empowering! I feel like I am afloat on the sea...sun warming my face...and I am at peace with the ebb and flow rocking me back and forth.
An amazing string of coincidences and messages have led me to create this blog. I am certain the signs were from the angels who look over me because of how I feel inside. Even though I am broken right now I also feel elated.
I am glad that I recognized the angles one day. Even more so I am glad that I took the time to say hi to them. I know that that acknowledgement thrilled them because of how I feel inside now while writing this. For so long I fought my urge to write for one silly reason or another but I am here now doing it and it feels amazingly natural.
Yes the angels just hang around all day waiting to be noticed so they can help us. They are here to remind of us that we indeed are the power. They know life on Earth is fucked up.
It is their job though to remind us that we wanted contrast and to help us deal with it when it comes. Earth is our Rock Tour. It is where we come to feel.
Happiness. Joy. Exhilaration. And yes too sadness, pain, and, deflation. When we are energy floating around where ever we float around we just float and feel nothing. BORING! That's right you got bored and chose to come to this place to live out loud!
Sadly though the worldly emotions are too much to bare sometimes and a lot of us end up numb while we are here because it hurts too much too feel. OH THE IRONY!
But yet another awesome aspect of living life in 3-D here on Earth. If the thought of angels sounds a little too hokey for you... just think of the angels as your complimentary pair of red and blue colored glasses, like the ones you use in order to see 3-D movies clearly at the theater.
It may sound flippant when I say that we WANTED to experience pain, broken hearts, and devastation. But I am convinced it is my calling to help spread reminders of the wonders of this place and that you are suppose to love and laugh and hurt and cry.
As my Grandma Ruby says..."Everything is going to beeeee alllllright!"
So Jan. 9th 2013 was suppose to be marked as the day of a new beginning for me as I created this page to pre-promote a blog I have been developing. Beginnings are so exciting, do you agree? As it turns out endings can be just as awesome and exciting.
Jan. 9th ended up bringing "sad" changes that un-rocked my world and broke my heart. But even through the chaos and the sobs I was still able to see the miracles that can happen when one can recognize that an ending is just a beginning cloaked in contrast.
Only recently have I been able to gather the courage that is required to successfully navigate the good and the bad we are given during our tour of this third rock from the sun.
I am constantly amazed at the energy that surrounds us here.
I hope to remind everyone through this blog that we are THE energy. It doesn't rule us, conspire against us, or, hate us. It just exists as we do. It only becomes what we choose to it be.
But don't despair! You are not alone with YOUR energy.
There are phenomenons around us that guide us everyday. Think of these phenomenons like Road Managers. Similar to the people who are in charge of getting the band to the gig on time!
I am a rock and roll music junkie. My fave band is my drug of choice. They feed my soul. They just released their best album and are getting ready to embark on a national tour to promote it. Imagine every one's dismay when the lead singer all of a sudden announced he was resigning from the band yesterday, Jan 9th 2013.
I was left so deflated yesterday by that announcement that I almost gave up on this blog before it even started. It is what I would have let happen a year ago. May be even just 3 months ago. But now... for reasons I don't fully understand yet are eagerly accepting , my evolution has seriously shifted in how I view adversity. I was thrilled when my heart finally spoke up and shot my ego down as my ego quickly wanted to throw a pity party. My heart no longer wants to go to those sullen shin-digs.
Now more than ever I can see how beautiful the moment is when a perceived ending is instantly transformed into a new beginning!
So I am kicking this blog off before my to-do list said I was going to.
I feel I am being encouraged, almost spurred, to jump into the deep end of the pool instead of just testing the water with a quick little wade in the shallow know...the part of the pool by the stairs where it's too easy to jump out and easily make a quick get away?
Surprisingly I am ok with with this new, sudden, plan of action! Even better, I am not freaking out because I don't feel in control. So empowering! I feel like I am afloat on the sea...sun warming my face...and I am at peace with the ebb and flow rocking me back and forth.
An amazing string of coincidences and messages have led me to create this blog. I am certain the signs were from the angels who look over me because of how I feel inside. Even though I am broken right now I also feel elated.
I am glad that I recognized the angles one day. Even more so I am glad that I took the time to say hi to them. I know that that acknowledgement thrilled them because of how I feel inside now while writing this. For so long I fought my urge to write for one silly reason or another but I am here now doing it and it feels amazingly natural.
Yes the angels just hang around all day waiting to be noticed so they can help us. They are here to remind of us that we indeed are the power. They know life on Earth is fucked up.
It is their job though to remind us that we wanted contrast and to help us deal with it when it comes. Earth is our Rock Tour. It is where we come to feel.
Happiness. Joy. Exhilaration. And yes too sadness, pain, and, deflation. When we are energy floating around where ever we float around we just float and feel nothing. BORING! That's right you got bored and chose to come to this place to live out loud!
Sadly though the worldly emotions are too much to bare sometimes and a lot of us end up numb while we are here because it hurts too much too feel. OH THE IRONY!
But yet another awesome aspect of living life in 3-D here on Earth. If the thought of angels sounds a little too hokey for you... just think of the angels as your complimentary pair of red and blue colored glasses, like the ones you use in order to see 3-D movies clearly at the theater.
It may sound flippant when I say that we WANTED to experience pain, broken hearts, and devastation. But I am convinced it is my calling to help spread reminders of the wonders of this place and that you are suppose to love and laugh and hurt and cry.
As my Grandma Ruby says..."Everything is going to beeeee alllllright!"
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
This little Bic lighter of mine...
We all shine on. If your light has grown dim this is where it will be reignited. Put on a smile even if you don't feel like it and soon you will. Remember even when life is is still good. Keep watching for the launch of this new blog... The 3rd Rock Show: Vibrational Riffs from a Live Wire
Photo by The Rossi Collection
Photo by The Rossi Collection
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